Funding is often the greatest obstacle to obtaining a college degree. Even with lower tuition costs at Midlands Technical College (MTC) and the financial resources available through state and federal student aid programs, students still need money for tuition, books and living expenses. These expenses have the potential to leave a “gap” and may prohibit a student from attending class; the gap amount may be as low as a few hundred dollars, which can cover a car repair expense, a sudden homeless situation, a utility bill, or a minor unexpected illness. These are just a few examples where a relatively small funding gap may prevent a student from attending class, consequently resulting in a delay or failure to complete their college degree. As a solution, The Gap Busters are establishing an endowed gap fund (“Fund the Gap”) to support students who have financial needs to allow them to remain enrolled at MTC. The funding will be administered by MTC’s Student Financial Aid Office. To qualify for funding, a student:

  • Must be enrolled in a career program of study; and
  • Must offer verifiable proof of their monetary need.

Students are limited to receiving one grant per every 30 months. To endow the fund, The Gap Busters are committed to raising $10,000, which will be matched and invested by the Midlands Technical College Foundation to ensure sustainability. Each team member is charged with raising $1,111 by August 15, 2017. One year after the endowment is funded at the minimum amount ($20,000), the first awards will be given. Recipients will be recognized during MTC’s Annual Donor Celebration.