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Fellows In Residence

Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz
Head-of-Government in Residence
Former Prime Minister of Poland

Public Address: ” Entering a Uniting Europe: The Polish Experience”
Younts Conference Center, Furman University
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cimoszewicz served as the Prime Minister of Poland (1996-1997), the Foreign Minister of Poland in the governments of Leszek Miller (2001-2004), Marek Belka (2004-2005) and the speaker of the Sejm (lower chamber of the Polish parliament in 2005). Cimoszewicz has been a member of Parliament since 1989. The Prime Minister’s address was attended by a crowd of over 300 students and members of the community.

About Prime Minister Cimoszewicz

In 1990, he ran in Poland’s first presidential election and, in 1991, having chaired the parliamentary Club of the Democratic Left Alliance from 1990-1991, he founded the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD). He also founded the ‘Poland in Europe’ Foundation of Social Initiatives.

After graduating from the Law Department of Warsaw University in 1972, he worked as an assistant and then lecturer at the university’s Institute of International Law until 1985. He was awarded his doctorate in legal sciences, specializing in international public law, in 1978. Cimoszewicz’s academic interests include the preferential treatment granted to developing countries in international trade and a possible revision of the United Nations Charter.

A Fulbright Foundation Fellow at Columbia University, New York from 1980 to 1981, Cimoszewicz is also the recipient of honorary doctor’s degrees from Appalachian University (1998) and the University of South Carolina (1997).

Cimoszewicz was born in Warsaw; he is married with two children.

Press Coverage

The Greenville News; by a Furman student, Jessica Taylor, click here, and by FUnet writer, Weston Dravenstadt, click here.